High-Speed Internet May Be Coming to Your Area

Are you tired of slow or unreliable Internet? There could be a better option.

But you need to act NOW.

If you were sent to this page from an online ad or from something you recieved in the mail, then there's a good chance you live in an area with very limited options for Internet access. This is a survey, attempting to identify the number of households in your area that would switch to a better Internet provider, if it become available.
Flyover Internet will offer a "Fixed Wireless" solution (IF there is enough interest) which has a number of advantages. Every situation is different, but here are some of the common improvements:
  • Compared to Satellite (ie. Viasat, HughesNet) - More reliable in incliment weather. Much lower latency, which means video calls, phone calls, gaming, and certain other activities are more reliable and just work better in general.
  • Compared to cellular (ie. T-Mobile, Verizon) - No data caps or overages. There is no max data limit applied and you will not be throttled for using too much.
  • Compared to DSL (ie. AT&T) - Depends on your specific connection (distance from the phone company and quality of your lines), but in many cases, Fixed Wireless will be much faster and more reliable than rural DSL connections.
That depends (partially) on you. There has to be enough demand for a faster, more reliable service. If you're tired of issues with your current Internet provider and want another option, then fill out THIS FORM to indicate you're ready for a change.
Right now the areas being looked at are Buckner, Sibley, Atherton, North East Independnece, and all of the space in between. The target area somewhat resembles (but not exactly) the Fort Osage School District. It may be possible to get service slightly outside of those areas depending on demand and actual location.
Yes! Fast speeds and low-latency connections work well with video conferencing tools (ie. Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Meet, etc.) and VPNs.
Yes! Fast speeds will ensure there is enough room to stream in 4k or even have multiple devices streaming at one time.
Yes! Low-latency connections work well with online multi-player games. And because there is no data cap, you are free to update your games without the risk of getting throttled.